
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Protecting God’s Children

Out of concern for the safety and well-being of your children, ALL adult volunteers are required to have ALL THREE of the following:

  1. participated in the workshop, “Protecting God’s Children” (link to schedule)
  2. a background release updated every five years (Volunteer Release)
  3. Read the Diocese Pastoral Policies and Standards documents below, then print, sign and return Acknowledgement Form to the “PGC Administrator” via St. Joseph School mail, the parish center or scan and email to Kelly Aguayo kaguayo@sjpdg.org
    1. Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors
    2. Standards of Behavior for Those Working with Minors
    3. Acknowledgement form

Wondering if your Background Check and Acknowledgement Form are up-to-date? 
Contact Kelly Aguayo – PGC Administrator 630-964-0216 x1204 or kaguayo@sjpdg.org to ensure you’re ability to share your talents with the people of the St. Joseph Parish community

Minor volunteers

  1. Volunteers who are minors need to complete the ‘minors’ form’. (Minor_Volunteer_Form)

More information: