
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday


Tuition, Stewardship & Development

Providing our children with a high quality, faith-filled education is an effort that requires financial support. The annual operating costs of the school are approximately $3,099,055; this is funded through:

  • Tuition payments
  • Stewardship offerings & Parish investment
  • Development commitments

Tuition Schedule (2024-2025)

Class / # of Students per family
 Annual Tuition
Pre-K3 T/TH (Multiple student discount does not apply) $1,880
Pre-K3 M/W/F (Multiple student discount does not apply) $2,620
Half-Day Pre-K4 M-F (Multiple student discount does not apply) $4,375
Full-Day Pre-K4 (Pre-K4 Plus) M-F (Multiple student discount does not apply) $6,455
Grade K-8, 1 Child $5,735
Grade K-8, 2 Children $10,015
Grade K-8, 3 Children $12,880
Grade K-8, 4 Children $14,315
Non-parishioners (unsubsidized) $6,860 per child

Explanation of Mandatory and Optional Fees

Mandatory Fees for the 2024-2025 School Year:

  • Parent Forum Party Fee: $30.00 per student
  • Technology Fee (K-8): $185.00 per student
  • Technology Fee (PreK): $100.00 per student
  • Grade 2 – Communion Fee: $60.00 per student
  • Grade 8 –  Graduation Fee: $175.00 per student

Optional Fees:

  • Bus: $53.00 per student (must qualify for District 58 busing)
  • Milk: $88.00 per student for one milk daily*
  • Yearbook: $30.00 each


See below for Stewardship and Development Commitment information.

Tuition Payments

We utilize FACTS for online tuition payments using automatic bank or credit card payments. Alternatively,  payments can be made by automatic direct bank payments through St. Joseph Parish.

To enroll in FACTS, please visit: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/41V2V

Payment options are:

  • Payment in full (due August 1)
  • Two payments (August and December)
  • Four payments (August, November, February and April)
  • Ten payments (monthly from August through May)

Please contact Beth Harbauer at 630-964-0216 ext 1101 or email bharbauer@sjpdg.org with tuition-related questions.

Tuition Grant for Transfer Students

St. Joseph School, in an effort to make Catholic education affordable to more families, has adopted a Tuition Grant Program for transfer students for the 2021-22 school year. Families who transfer their child/children in grades first through eight from any public, private, charter or home school will be eligible to receive a two year tuition grant. Click here for more information.


Tuition Assistance

We know that Catholic education changes lives. For many families though the cost of tuition makes it unattainable. If a family desires a Catholic education for their student we encourage you to apply for both scholarship programs below.

  • The Catholic Education Foundation

The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) awards tuition assistance grants to students with a verified financial need. Students entering Kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible for assistance. This school year, 1,742 students received $1.8 million in financial aid through the CEF. Families must complete the online financial aid application at https://online.factsmgt.com/aid by the March 1 deadline. More information and links can be found at the Catholic Education Foundation website.

Tuition assistance grants are determined on an annual basis. Families must apply each year in order to be considered. All determinations are based on a financial aid analysis from the grant and aid application through FACTS.

For more information about the application process, please click here.

Stewardship Offerings & Parish Investment

Sunday stewardship is an expectation of all parish families. The parish invested over $350,000 of stewardship offerings in the school for the 2018-2019 school year, covering 19% of school operating expenses. The parish relies on the generosity of school families, as well as all parishioners, to make this investment.

Families have multiple options to fund their stewardship: automatic bank account deductions, credit card payments (which incur an additional convenience fee), monthly donations directly to the church, or weekly donations in the Sunday collection basket. Bank account deduction and credit card options, which are administered through the automated FACTS program, are strongly preferred.

Please contact Beth Harbauer at bharbauer@sjpdg.org if you choose automatic bank account deductions or credit card payments. Click here to set up your Sunday Stewardship donation.


Development Commitment

St. Joseph School has a Development Committee that plans initiatives to grow the SJS Investing For the Future Fund. The Fund is used to cover the cost of multi-student tuition discounts, tuition assistance, academic and technological enhancements, budget shortfalls, and resources for the future. Each year, there is a development goal that supports this effort. Each family is asked to contribute $300 to support that goal, as well as participate in optional fundraising efforts and events. Your support is appreciated!