
4832 Highland Ave.

Downers Grove, IL 60515

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Reading Program

Reading Program

The St. Joseph School Reading Program is designed to assist students to reach their full potential in reading. The reading team consists of a certified Reading Specialist and a library resource teacher. Our Reading Specialist is a Certified Special Education Teacher who helps assess and develop individual modifications for students.

We use a variety of research-based reading interventions, including:

  • AIMSweb
  • Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Interventions
  • Read Naturally
  • Read Well
  • Project Read
  • Explode the Code

The structure of the program includes small group instruction to support and improve reading skills. Additional interventions focus on individual student needs, including extra guided reading or phonics/word study practice.

Reading assessments are given on a regular basis to monitor students’ progress in reading fluency and comprehension throughout the school year. Progress monitoring helps the reading team determine which skills the students have improved upon as well as the specific areas in which additional practice is necessary.

In addition to the formal reading interventions, the St. Joseph School Reading Team makes a special effort to find books that engage each student based on their personal interests and reading level. Daily lessons also include literacy-based activities and games to fully engage and develop the reading skills and strategies for all students.

Along with the formal reading interventions, personalized and engaging lessons, the St. Joseph School Reading Team also collaborates with classroom teachers to develop the specific skills that apply to their weekly lessons in class. The goal is to increase the student’s confidence with both their work in class and at home.

While the team is especially proud of the reading program at St. Joseph School, they continue to strive to find new ways to assist and engage their students.

St. Joseph School regularly offers after-school book clubs with primary goals to:

  • Create an overall feeling of excitement for reading.
  • Help students make real-life, personal connections to characters or events in the book. Connections can be made in a variety of ways, including hands-on activities, critical thinking scenarios, and reader’s theater skits taken from scenes in the book.